Does Technology Connect Us or Isolate Us?


Madi Spilker, Student Life Reporter

In this day and age, technology is increasing rapidly. You may hear from your grandma that they didn’t have technology in their time. This shows how much things have changed in the past years. It is overtaking high schoolers’ lives not only personally, but also at school. Many ask if this change in the world is bringing people together or pulling them apart.

“Technology connects us because it allows us to communicate even when we are not physically together,” senior, Ellie Marriott, said.

Technology brings people across the world together, like Ellie shared. It is a way people can have friendships with people they may have never met. On a smaller scale, technology has brought our school together. We are able to connect with teachers and classmates when we are at home. We use technology for all our assignments, tests and even discussions. This helpful tool helps students have all their work with them at all times and all places.

Also, during the pandemic we have seen technology bring us together. We were able to still participate in school, but from our home. Students could join Zoom links and participate in classes just like they would at school. This adaptation connected students in a way that many thought wouldn’t be possible.

Likewise, technology can isolate students in more than one way. In classrooms, students use the technology, and this can be distracting and may isolate students from social interaction. Teachers are also using technology to teach and limit teaching. Students are missing out on one-on-one teaching and learning. Teachers may tell students to look at other resources like videos or even Google for them.

“I think technology both pulls us apart and connects us because there are times where people will be on their phones with other people and it’s almost like they aren’t together. But on the other hand, technology also brings us together because we are able to play games together with other people and meet other people online,” junior, Ryann Franich, said.

Overall, technology is a tool that can be used to connect us and isolate us. It helps students connect with others without being together, but it can also cause students to miss out on that much needed social interactions. The way you use it can determine how it affects you. It is up to you to decide if technology brings you closer to others or pulls you apart.