People Answer The Phone Like Buddy The Elf?

December 18, 2019
Along with National Ding-a-Ling Day, America also has some other unique national days that most people don’t know about. This story is about another one of those fun, less-known, national days.
December eighteenth, Wednesday, is National Answer The Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day. Most, if not all, of the students here at Farmington have seen the movie Elf, but how many people know the correct way to answer the phone like a true Buddy the Elf?
In the movie, Buddy is at work with his dad when the phone on his dad’s desk rings. He leans over the desk, picks up the phone, and says…what?
“This is Will Ferrell,” Farmington junior, Taylor Robinson, said.
Robinson has never seen Elf before (but knows that Will Ferrell plays Buddy), so she would have a very hard time getting the answer right. This is a very good guess, but the correct phrasing from the movie is actually:
“Buddy the elf, what’s your favorite color,” Farmington junior, Mikaela Johnson, said.
Many students here have seen the movie, but some haven’t. If you haven’t seen the movie, it would be hard to guess it right. Whether you’ve seen the movie or not, it could be fun to answer the phone this way all day.