How Coronavirus Has Affected Content Assessments

March 18, 2020
On Thursday March 12, 2020, Utah Governor, Gary Herbert announced to the state the precautions the government had decided to take to slow the spread of COVID-19. He announced that all citizens should refrain from gatherings of 100 people or more, but that schools would continue to function normally. The very next day, I had a lacrosse game. After the game was over, I went over to the sidelines, and the very first thing that I heard was that school had been cancelled for at least 2 weeks. This came as a shock since yesterday, Governor Herbert told us that wouldn’t happen. Now, all schools in Utah, and around the country are closed, leaving the students home doing all their work online. But for Farmington High School, whose entire curriculum is based online already, how much really has changed for us?
The biggest question that has sat in the back of Farmington High student’s brains is: “How are we going to take content assessments?” Content assessments are 30% of our grades and are extremely important. As far as projects go, students can go to Summit and look at the daily plan and know what they need to do. But assessments need to be approved by a teacher, and that’s not easy when we are stuck at home. What it’s come down to is that if you need to take an assessment, you will email the teacher that teaches that subject to you for approval. You must send your teacher a picture of notes, showing that you have taken some preparation before taking it. Some Summit classes, such as math, have been moved temporarily to Canvas for the break.
Over the next couple of weeks will be testing for students at Farmington High, and all over the country. It will be a period of adjustment for students, who will have a difficult time with the new rules of taking these assessments. Hopefully when the two week period is over, the virus is under enough control that things can go back to normal for students at Farmington High School.