Davis School District Reacts to COVID-19

Raegan Edelman, Comedy Column Section Editor

For the past several weeks, the fast spread of COVID-19, more commonly known as the coronavirus, has taken over the news. This highly infectious virus has created a lot of chaos and fear throughout the globe. The effects of this fear can be seen within Davis School District. 

One of the biggest results of the COVID-19 is that schools and classes have been shifted to online courses. Teachers upload the material and students complete it at home in order to slow the spread of the virus. Students have mixed opinions on online school.

“Coronavirus has increased havoc and caused online school. I don’t like online school because it wastes time and all the work is on a computer so when your computer doesn’t work you can’t get it done. It’s just the worst,” Russell Edelman, a 4th grader at Kayscreek Elementary, said.

Other students disagreed, seeing more benefits to online learning.

“I like that I get to sleep in, and I like that I can go at my own pace,” Shoreline Jr High student, Rocky Edelman, said.

Online school isn’t the only precaution that’s being taken to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. People have also been asked to practice social distancing by limiting the amount of people they come in contact with. Alongside that, anyone who has come in contact with the COVID-19 virus has been asked to self quarantine until they are cleared.

“I think that it’s good that everyone is taking precautions and that it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Those who think they are healthy enough to not be affected by it shouldn’t use that as an excuse to not quarantine themselves, because they could infect those who it WILL harm. The faster everyone takes it seriously, the faster it will pass over,” Farmington High School senior, Emma Olson, said.

Others do not take the social distancing as seriously and see the virus as less of a problem.

“In my opinion the whole coronavirus panic has been taken a little over the top due to the media. A few years ago we had the Swine flu epidemic and there wasn’t this much hysteria. I get that the coronavirus is faster-spreading, but I don’t think it should be this big of a deal,” James Adkins, a junior at Layton High School, said.

Regardless of how students feel about the virus, it is important to respect the recommendations of social distancing in order to protect the more susceptible members within the community from getting the virus. 

Teachers and faculty are working tirelessly to try and find effective ways to help students to learn from home. Be sure to thank your teachers and their efforts as the best solutions are figured out. In the mean time, stay safe and remain hopeful that the schools will open back up sooner rather than later.