What You Need To Know About Covid-19

May 6, 2020
The world that we knew and loved was seemingly morphed into a plane of fear and uncertainty on the night of March 11, 2020 when beloved Utah Jazz center Rudy Gobert tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. That very weekend, our school was closed in order to keep the spread of the virus as minimal as possible and with that our very livelihood was shut down as well. Quarantine orders were being placed across the nation and the world or, as most would call it to make it seem less severe, “social distancing” orders.These orders meant that the restaurants, bowling alleys, sporting events, and all end of school year activities were to not take place. This would change the look of our world forever.
COVID-19 is a very fast spreading respiratory disease that goes from person to person when an infected person coughs or sneezes on something that another person would later touch. Experts are now saying that the COVID-19 virus is spreading more efficiently than influenza and there is no prediction as to when it could be stopped. With all viruses, a vaccine must be developed in order to stop the spread completely as our bodies will then be able to fight the virus if it ever were to spread to us. As students of Farmington High School may be at a lower risk than other groups, it is still safe to stay home as much as possible to avoid contracting the virus and then spreading it to someone else where it could be fatal such as older adults and those with heart or lung disease.
With a confirmed number of cases in the US alone being over 1.24 million people, it can seem scary and be hard to keep an optimistic attitude about it, but as Utah moves its social distancing guidelines from high to moderate risk, we can keep fighting. The world is fast changing right now and the only thing that we can do about it is to stay home as much as we can, wash our hands, and keep our spirits high for the future.