Students Celebrate Little-Known Holidays

Noelle Wigren, Staff Writer

Every month or so there is always a national holiday that we are celebrating, getting out of school, or off of work early, and the good thing about it is that it usually extends our weekend. But what if we celebrated more national holidays, random holidays to be exact. On February 28th it’s National Sleep in Public Day. March 1st is National Compliment Day, or maybe on April 12th National Grilled Cheese Day we all eat grilled cheese.

“If I could celebrate any National Holiday I would celebrate National Hug Your Cat Day. Because I love my cat.” Senior, Kassidy Johnson said.

National Hug Your Cat Day is on June 4th. So, If you have a cat make sure to give it a hug that day. If we could take a day of the year, we wouldn’t even need to take a day off of school, or work, just throughout the day and take time to just celebrate the random National Holiday. Remember that there is some random National Holiday going on right now, and that might just brighten your day on a droopy day.

“I would celebrate the National Festival of Sleeping or Napping Day because as a growing teen I need to get more sleep than I usually get during the school year. And sleeping is relaxing and it is good for you too so it works great.” Senior, Colton Thomas said.

We should celebrate these holidays more because you can tell that some of these days can benefit us as teens, and even as adults. Celebrating these days will help us grow as a person but might also connect us as a student body or community.

So, maybe every March 1st give a little thought to National Compliment Day and compliment someone, or compliment as many people as possible, cause not only will it always be National Compliment Day maybe we could start celebrating life everyday and give compliments to someone everyday. Life is too fun to be boring, so go and celebrate something crazy and you might just celebrate it every year, and it can be your random national holiday.