Graduation Will Look Different From Last Year

Cali Layton, Staff Writer

If your school username starts with a 21 then your time at FHS is coming to a close in just a few short months. Graduation is just around the corner, but what will it look like for seniors this year, compared to last year?

This year’s graduation marks the 3rd anniversary of the opening of Farmington High School. The seniors graduating this year will be the first students to complete three consecutive years in a row at FHS, which is something that you don’t see everyday.

 Last year’s graduation was unique due to Covid 19 restrictions. Graduates and their families experienced a virtual graduation that was live streamed to their homes. Over the course of the program, students got to hear from administrators and other students wrapping up their time in high school, all from the comfort of their couch. A few days later, students got to put on their caps and gowns again and walk the stage here at FHS to receive their diplomas in person. 

 This year’s graduation is shaping up to look much different. Graduating seniors will be included on a test to participate basis. Students who want to participate will be subjected to Covid 19 testing and based on their results will either be asked to stay home or allowed to come. 

The program is scheduled to be held at the Weber State Dee Events Center on June 2nd.

“As of right now, two guests (per graduate) will be allowed to come to the event center, and it will be live streamed through Weber State, but this could always change,” FHS graduation chair, Celia Larson said.

‘But this could always change’ has been a prominent saying surrounding graduation and other end of the year events being planned. But, throughout the uncertainty this last year has brought, one thing that will go on is the great school spirit and sense of community that we have felt here at FHS, even after our caps fly high.