Iconic Movie Duo Costume Ideas

November 8, 2021
If we were a movie. That is the theme for this year’s Harvest Dance. In other words, we get to dress up as Iconic movie duos! With this creative theme, some of us probably need some help thinking of what to go as with our dates. So, if you’re like me and had some trouble coming up with something to go as, hopefully this will help.
Asking around Farmington High, the students gave me a bunch of duos that might even make me change my mind on what I was going with.
“Let’s see…Incredibles, Hiccup and Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon. The guy and girl from Top gun. Those are the only ones I can think of right now,” senior, Zach Shumway said.
When first thinking of what to do, I didn’t even come up with any of those ideas above and if you’re looking for a simple costume to buy, Incredibles would be the way to go.
“Honestly, I don’t even know what my date and I are doing, but if I had to think about some, maybe the Disney couples, or the people from princess bride,” junior, Ethan Stanford said.
If you are in the same boat as Ethan, not knowing what you are going to do, hopefully you’ll take away some of the ideas said because the dance is coming up quickly!
“You could go as Ariel and Sebastian, Jack Sparrow and Calypso, or Charlie Brown and Snoopy. I would love to see someone as Sebastian,” junior Ky Hartley said.
I totally agree, the duo Ariel and Sebastian would be an amazing costume date idea. Seeing someone with a Sebastian costume on would make my night. If you are still in need of a costume duo idea, think about the ones mentioned here and hopefully it will help you pick the one you would like to do for the Harvest Dance.