Where Do You Go Out to Eat for Lunch?

December 15, 2021
When it comes to school lunch, let’s be honest, we’d pass on the food. Instead, we turn to local fast-food places to go out to eat. And with Station Park minutes away, there is a wide variety of places to choose from.
I asked a couple of Farmington Highs students to share their insights on where they usually go out to eat and why.
“Oh, I usually go out to Chick-Fil-A because it is good, cheap and fast,” sophomore, Gage Warner, said.
“I personally will go to Tea’s Memory for lunch because it is usually not that busy and that means less traffic,” junior, Gracey Forward, said.
You can see the pattern of what places students choose. As our lunch is only 40 minutes long, we need food places that are quick to get to, and that have very good service to make sure we have time to eat and get back to the school in time.
“Umm, if I do go out, I usually go out to Panda Express, because I like Chinese food and it has vegetarian options,” junior, Belle Brady, said.
“I don’t go out to lunch a lot just because of the money, but when I do go out to eat I either go to Chick-fil-A or Wendy’s. Both can be a pretty long line you have to wait in but they’re close to the school and relatively cheap,” junior, Taylor Bird, said.
A big thing, too, that affects where you go, and if you even go out to lunch in the first place, is the money. Sometimes spending money every day for lunch is not the way to go, so you must choose wisely on when and where you’re going to go.
“For lunch, we usually go to Everbowl or Tea’s Memory. You got to treat yourself when you got the money, you know. Plus, it always tastes so good,” junior, Catalina Stalker, said.
So, there you go. After getting some input from students, choose where you want to go out to lunch. It sounds like if you’ve got the money and want something that tastes really good, check out Everbowl or Tea’s Memory. If you are on the saving side, but still want something that tastes good, you’ll have to go to Wendy’s. Luckily, all of these food places are really close to the school, so you won’t have to worry about being late to your next period.