The Diverse Culture in FHS

January 28, 2022
While we walk around the halls of Farmington High, we don’t notice the diversity around us. I interviewed three students and a teacher on what their culture is. We interviewed Mrs. Faeamani, Noah Yang, Niko Lata, and Emma Kaholoa. We asked what their culture is, who immigrated here and why, what they like about it, and what their favorite food from their culture is.
We first interviewed Noah Yang. Noah is Korean, but he was born in the U.S. so that makes him Korean-American. His father immigrated from South Korea when he was younger to find a better life. Noah’s mother immigrated from the island of Guam. There are many delicious Korean dishes, but Noah’s favorite is Bulgogi (bul-gow-gee), thin slices of marinated meat.
“My favorite thing about my culture is the soap operas,” sophomore, Noah Yang, said.
Niko Lata is a Tongan junior. His parents are originally from Tonga, but they immigrated here to have better education. His favorite thing about his culture is having a lot of family members and different foods. In Tongan culture, horse meat is a common food. It is usually prepared with coconut milk and seasoning, this is called Lo’i hoosi.
“The reason my parents immigrated from here is because my grandma wanted to make my family’s life better. Just like every other immigrant,” junior, Niko Lata, said.
Emma Kaholoa is Hawaiian, Japanese, and Korean. Her dad moved here from Hawaii just to go to school. Her dad and uncles really liked the scenery of Utah, so that’s why they moved. Emma’s favorite Hawaiian dish is Musubi (moo-soo-bee) . It is rice and spam wrapped in seaweed.
“My favorite part of my culture is probably that it’s different because there aren’t a lot of Hawaiians in Utah. I think it’s cool that I’m different,” junior, Emma Kaholoa, said.
The last person we interviewed was Mrs. Faeamani. She is Tongan and immigrated here when she was 5 years old. A dish that Mrs. Faeamani likes from her culture is Lu Sipi (loo-cee-pee) . It is cooked lamb that is wrapped in spinach leaves with coconut milk and onions.
“One thing really important in my culture is family. One thing that we typically practice is taking care of our parents until they pass away. Usually we don’t put our parents in a home, they stay with one of their children. Usually the oldest daughter, or just one of their daughters. It’s important we return the care our parents gave us when we were younger,” teacher, Mrs. Faeamani, says.