Student Election Posters: How to Be the Best of the Best

February 22, 2022
It’s that time of year again, 9th, 10th, and 11th graders all compete to represent their school by being a student body officer. A big way to petition why you should win is by creating and putting up posters around the school. I have seen some very creative posters and I have also seen some overused posters as well. Here are some tips on how to catch people’s attention with your poster, from a voter and student perspective.
First, some posters that I have seen that have caught my eye and ultimately led me to vote for that person had a catchy slogan. We all know those pesky commercials that we watch once and we can never get out of our head. An example of this is when we are driving past a Subway, we all can automatically recite their slogan “eat fresh”, or when you eat a Snickers bar, you think “you’re not you when you’re hungry”. If you have a catchy slogan, people are automatically going to know your poster or your name.
“If I see that a poster has a catchy saying, 9 times out of 10, I will remember that poster,” sophomore, Melia Olson, said.
Tip two for a good poster is making sure that your posters have your name on it and that it’s very noticeable, you could have a very well done poster that everyone is talking about, but without your name being noticeable on it, nobody is going to know who to vote for. When it comes down to it, they will remember the poster but not your name.
Tip three is to make sure that a picture of yourself is on the poster. Your name is the first step to a great poster, but people love seeing a face to go with the name. Without a picture, you are just a name, especially if they don’t know who they are. If you do not think that a picture of you wouldn’t fit the slogan of your poster, make it work. Add a photoshopped picture of yourself, if needed, to make it funny. It doesn’t always have to be a serious photo.
“When I see a poster with a picture it is easier to know who I am voting for and makes it more personal,” junior, Bodie Willamson, said.
The last tip is to make it unique. Come up with something personal to yourself, the last thing you want to do is to create a clique poster and risk having the same poster as someone else.
I hope that this helps decipher the good posters from the bad posters. Follow these tips and your poster could be the best of the best, and can help you make it to the finish line. Don’t make the simple mistakes that could risk you not winning.