Spring Sports During a Snow Storm

March 17, 2022
Farmington High School’s spring sports are in full gear. Sports like baseball, softball, boys soccer, boys lacrosse, boys tennis, and track have been practicing for the last two weeks to prepare for their first games. However, the weather has made this extremely difficult for these athletes to practice.
“There are too many athletes for all of us to practice inside so we still have to practice outside,” track athlete, Caroline Torman, said.
Outdoor sports are hard to get started in early spring because it is still extremely cold outside with a chance for rain and snow. Practicing outside puts athletes at a lot of risk for injuries. Not only does it cause risk for injuries, but also prevents teams from practicing in general.
“We couldn’t practice outside for a week,” baseball athlete, Jack Hansen, said.
Sports like baseball and softball play in the dirt, and when it rains, the dirt gets muddy. When the dirt gets too muddy, it is impossible and dangerous to play. This can also affect game days. Games often get canceled because of the weather.
“I’m not really worried about games getting canceled because games will be made up and we will just have more practice time,” Hansen said.
Practicing in bad weather will also help prepare athletes for future games. Canceling games is not a thing coaches try to do and they avoid it as much as possible, but when water collects on the ground it becomes hard to run and jump.
“It’s hard to perform in colder weather, so conditioning in it will make us more prepared for meets,” Torman said.
Athletes are extremely excited to start games and get playing. The weather is postponing several athletes’ seasons, but they will be playing eventually. As the weeks pass, the weather should get better and athletes will worry less about bad weather which will be right in time for state tournaments.