Locker Disaster
March 28, 2022
Lockers line the halls at Farmington High School. Many may use this amenity, while others let it go to waste. These lockers may be viewed as wasted space, while others believe it is a useful piece of material.
Many struggle with the new technology the school has to offer. The technology is also presented in the locker. These locks have a complicated digital way of opening lockers, and many students are confused with the locks, thus leading them to not use them. Students enter school with the idea of lockers being old and having the cool spinny dial–like you see in every show and movie that is set in high school. But with our schools’ advanced technology, their vision is changed.
“They are the worst decorations in the school,” senior, Lucy Seamons, said.
Space is not lacking at Farmington, but these lockers are eating space that could be used for bigger classrooms or larger learning spaces. The school could have saved money and cut down on the lockers and provide better seating. Likewise, the school believed that these lockers were needed.
“I think we get charged a locker fee, which is stupid,” an anonymous student said.
This is correct, we are charged a fee at the beginning of the year for a locker. Students may be frustrated and confused with this fee, while others don’t mind the fee. These fees may be confusing because many do not use lockers.
“My dream is to shove someone into one,” senior, Emma Garff, said.
Likewise, there are useful lockers in our school. These lockers are located in the locker rooms. Students use this to store their exercising supplies. These lockers are smaller and used more than the lockers located around the school. We don’t even own a bright pink locker like Sharpay Evans and it’s devastating. Overall, lockers around our school are not useful and a waste of space.