Phoenix Provided!

Kenna Liwanag, Student Life Reporter


This past week, the Phoenix definitely provided! Farmington High School raised a crazy amount of over $30,000 this last week during Spirit week/Phoenix Provides as our goal was only $30,000. Our Spirit week was so fun with all of the fun activities that were provided throughout the week. Bowling night, anything but a backpack day, the cereal bowl and save or shave went extremely well and ended up bringing in a lot of donations. On Tuesday, we did our Dash for Cash for the DSD Teen Resource center. We raised a lot of money, but the 2400 suite ended up winning and raised the most money in a suite. Anything but a backpack day was so fun and people ended up bringing shopping carts, couches, ladders and even a moped!


 “I brought a shopping cart and it was really convenient until I had to take it up the stairs.” Junior Mason Smith, said. 


The Talent Show brought in a variety of talents and a great amount of people wanting to donate. The winner of the talent show was Wesley Stelter as he performed a country song. The talent show was an amazing way to raise money and have the silent auction for the David School District Teen Resource Center. In case you forgot, the resource center is a place that kids can go for help mentally or even if they are just needing a place to stay overnight. 


Save or Shave was another great turn out. Each grade had two participants for this event. Sophomores were Calia Miller and Matt Ernstrom, Juniors were Jacob Kelley and Ian Tarbox, and the Seniors were Blake Taylor and Parker Green. Matt Ernstrom, Ian Tarbox and Parker Green ended up being the ones to shave their head but hey, it was for a good cause…right?


 “I wanted to participate because it was a fun way to support phoenix provides and I figured that since I was a girl, I could get more people to donate to save my hair. I was nervous sitting in the chair because it seemed like Matt was getting a lot of donations. After I won, I was so surprised because I honestly thought I was gonna have to shave, so I was glad for all the people that donated.” Sophomore Calia Miller, said. 


We are very proud and appreciative of our school and everyone who donated to help these teens and know they are supported when times are hard. Thank you to everyone who participated in this fun week and we cannot wait for the next time we get to help provide for students and teens in our district!