The Senior All Nighter

May 15, 2023
Every year the seniors get to celebrate their accomplishment of graduating high school by having a giant party at Rush Funplex in Syracuse from 10pm to 2am for $50 a person. Rush offers a lot of things to do, you can bowl, play laser tag, go skating, go karts, arcade games, and just all around hanging out with your friends.
Most high schools do a party after graduation for their seniors, Davis does theirs at boondocks every year. It’s a very fun idea for seniors to have one last thing all together before we all leave. “I’m very excited to have the party at Rush. I can bowl the whole time, but I think $50 is too expensive.” senior Ethan Rivera With the price being so high I don’t think the whole senior class will be going. The senior Rylee Egbert said “I can’t wait to hang out with all of my friends all night, it’s going to be so much fun. I’m most excited to go karts and skating.”
With rush having so much to offer it will make it so the students don’t get bored. “rush is the best place ever to have the party at, we will be able to bowl, skate, go karts, and a bunch of other things that people love to do.” said senior Jaden Peterson. The one problem with rush is that it’s very expensive. For example, the senior cotillion was $50 a person and they ended up dropping the price. I hope all of the senior class will be going to the after party but I don’t think most people will because of the price. The senior Tyler Osborn said “i can’t wait to hang with all of my friends after we graduate but $50 is really expensive”