With Halloween as the upcoming holiday, many students are excited to celebrate the new spooky season. Some people have even written their response to the question “Are you “too old” to trick-or-treat?” on the white board in the FHS Phoenix Landing Library’s question of the week.
Halloween’s typical tradition is trick-or-treating, haunted houses, scary stories, and costumes. However, everyone has their own ways to celebrate and different reasons as to why Halloween is their favorite holiday.
“My mom really enjoys it, and she goes all out, so it is the 2nd biggest celebrated holiday next to Christmas” stated by sophomore River Flamer
Halloween can be so much fun with everyone you are close with. That is why it can be a favorite holiday for some people with all it’s lovely activities it has to offer
“Pumpkin carving is an activity that you can do with your friends, that’s always fun, you can do corn mazes, that’s also really fun, and haunted houses, those are top tier” stated by sophomore Elizabeth Funk.
A lot of these activities can be scary for many people, but just like Elizabeth said, these activities are all ones that you can do with your friends, which is what makes it so much fun. Some people have already planned to dress up.
“I’m planning to dress up because why not! And I think I might do a witch” stated by sophomore River Flamer.
And some people don’t have plans, but they do know they’re gonna celebrate anyways.
“I don’t know, I don’t have any current plans, I’m just not going to work though, I called it off” stated by sophomore Claire Frampton.
Trick-or-treating is a big Halloween tradition that most people participate in, but is there an age limit to it?
“No, cause everyone should be able to go get candy and have fun, even if you’re a 40-year-old man on the verge of balding” stated by sophomore Claire Frampton, but on the other hand, sophomore Elizabeth Funk says “Well, if you’re over 20 it’s kind of creepy, but if you are 18 and just messing around and having fun, I am ok with that, but again if you are over 20 it just gets creepy”
I personally think that anyone can trick-or-treat as long as they respect others and are having fun, but of course that’s just my opinion and I can see why it can feel creepy if a much older person does it. Either way, Halloween is a holiday where people can both enjoy or dislike it. It doesn’t matter if you have different activities or if you have different opinions, we all just have so much fun.