When it comes to choosing the best season, the argument on whether it’s summer or winter can become intense. Both seasons are so different in such good ways. With summer comes no school, warm weather, vacations, swimming, and just relaxing. However, winter brings skiing/snowboarding, thanksgiving and Christmas, hot chocolate, and cuddling up by the fire. Being an expert on seasons myself, winter is clearly the better season because of the holidays, winter break, the snow and skiing.
When interviewing fellow students at FHS the answers were diverse.
“I like summer way more than winter because I love not having school and being able to sleep in. I also love being out in the sun and feeling the warmth.” Junior, Jade Olson said
Summer and winter are such different seasons from each other, so the debate is a very personal preference. The weather and being out of school plays a big role on why people enjoy the summertime more than the winter season.
“I like the winter better because even though we have school, we have winter break and Christmas which makes up for it, and I just love going sledding and skiing with my friends and family.” Stated Sophomore Jace Richards.
The people that chose winter as their favorite season had similar answers to why, specifically because winter is holiday season. A lot of people said they loved it because of the holidays and the vibe winter brings in November and December.
“But also, it’s hard to choose because they both have my favorite outdoor activities.” Sophomore, Jace Richards said
Summer and winter may be completely diverse but the thing they do have in common is they both have some awesome activities and sports to enjoy. There are many pros and cons to these seasons. However, in the end they are both amazing, it all just depends on what one you personally like more.