Currently we are at the end of the month November and have been experiencing very polar weather patterns. For example, in Farmington, we went from around 75° Fahrenheit as the high to 45° Fahrenheit very quickly. Not only that but we have also been experiencing some precipitation patterns including snow and rain.
Everyone has different opinions when it comes to our current temperature changes, whether it’s how it affects your activity, fashion, or mood.
“It doesn’t affect my mood, I’m the same person, I went out and bought some winter clothes that are dark colored. I find the weather changes interesting, I don’t like it, I’m not a big fan, I like it when it’s warm” stated by sophomore Ellyva Gomez
Not only have we been experiencing changes in our weather, but daylight savings time was Nov. 3, gaining an hour. This can influence many people’s schedules in either a good or bad way, but sometimes it doesn’t affect us at all.
“It doesn’t really affect me too much; it changes the time, so it just makes it dark when I walk to school but that’s about it” stated by sophomore River Flamer
As stated before, our weather can affect our fashion. So, with the new weather comes new fashion changes, new or old. Many people get their fashion from trends, but overall, it’s just personal preference. As known, fashion is recycled so you can bring out your favorite clothes or go out and buy new things that are coming out.
“I always wear jackets, so it doesn’t matter whether it’s hot or cold, it’s kinda bad but I don’t care” stated by sophomore River Flamer
Last year, Utah was exposed to snow at a very early time, even before Thanksgiving, making many people get into the Christmas spirit earlier than usual. Just like our experience last year, Thanksgiving isn’t too far away and yet we are already getting some snow and rain in some areas, so how do our students feel about this?
“I like the rain better, it’s just more chilling and fun, I like to go out there to have coffee with my friends and just chill” – stated by sophomore Ellyva Gomez
In conclusion, weather can affect any of us at any given point in time. It all just depends on our own liking and choice, either way it’s important that we acknowledge these changes and prepare for them.