Cars is a lighthearted, funny animated movie by Pixar, 2006. The movie is set up in a world where everyone is a vehicle, be it a car, a truck etc., and tells the story of how a race car Lightning McQueen, ending up in a very narrow, tiny town called Radiator Springs, is trapped in.
At the start of the film, Lightning McQueen is a super-star race car who all cares about is winning races and being number one. Nevertheless, he gets disoriented in Radiator Springs after the serious track accident, which occurs from one single race. It is a quaint, outmoded town, much of which is genetically similar, almost to the extent of being invisible of individuals. At first, Lightning doesn’t like being there at all, but over time, he meets the other residents—like Mater, the funny tow truck, Sally, the smart Porsche, and Doc Hudson, the wise old car. Moreover, there are intro-base of characters, which can prevent to reduce from Lightning the core values of friendship, belonging and the essence of life.
The animation in Cars is no less realistic than any of the Pixar films. Car models are quite realistic as are the townscape and races, and races are quite a nice thing to see. There are race scenes action and speed, so if you are speed crazy you will like those kinds of scenes a lot. Additionally, the voice acting is also very good, especially Larry the Cable Guy for Mater, and Owen Wilson for Lightning McQueen, both of whom are very enjoyable to listen to.
The connection between Lightning and Mater in the cars is one of the most rewarding experiences in the film. Mater is a strange, but also sorta funny, character that can teach Lightning that it’s possible to just chill out every once and a while. Lightning subsequently learns that it is not just a play of winning and that the more important things of life (life as friendship and friendship as having belonging) have a greater value.
However, part of the film is melodramatic, and some of the teaching presented does appear to be too easy. Yet, even if you know what’s going to happen, it’s still a lot of fun movie for the kids with younger ages.
In general, Cars is an enjoyable movie with soul. There’s lots in it in terms of good lessons for friendships, work and slowing down. It’s a good one if you enjoy Pixar or cars.