Lets start here by lil yachty is the best rock album to come from a hip hop artist ever. Its cohesive story and progression make for a psychedelic rock masterclass. Its Pink Floyd influence is almost palpable. Pulling from similar ideologies and keyboard rhythms it is a nostalgic listen with relevance and references to the present day. Coming from a hip hop artist this release was definitely surprising but even so it makes for one of my personal favorite albums.
The main reason that this album clicks so well is because of how well it works even being a genre swap. The hip hop industry has seen a drastic genre swapping album like this whether it be speeding bullet to heaven or lil Wayne’s rebirth. But what makes Yatchy’s attempt so memorable is that it’s more than just an attempt, it actually works. You can hear his influenced sound and you can hear the effort he put in and the extra homework he did to know the psychedelic rock sound. Its special because where Wayne and Kid Cudi struggle, Lil Yachty thrives. Another thing that makes this album special is the larger than life sound. With this project Yachty wanted to make it sound like the listeners are a part of something bigger while listening to the album, and I think he tremendously succeeds. Whether your listening to Black Seminole, drive me crazy or even reach the sunshine, the whole album experience feels massive and impactful.
All in all this album is an experience that many fans of genres that normally wouldn’t here a project like this got to hear thanks to Yatchy’s experimentalism and creativity. The project works better than any other hip hop artists rock album and I would definitely recommend it to anyone with an ear for interesting sound. I rate lets start here an A.