Wicked, the most anticipated film of the year, at least for theater kids. In an unbiased teenage boys opinion, this movie blows. Its 2 hours and 40 minute run time is filled with music that frankly all sounds uninspired and the same. And every outcome of the films plot is completely and painstakingly obvious.
One of the main reasons that this movie feels so uninspired and predictable to me is because its another reimagination of a classic. Something that Disney has been doing in recent memory and it feels like it’s all they do now. This causes a boring outcome for one main reason, The story has the same outcome as the original films. This makes the film seem predictable because of the narrow path it has to take. And Wicked is no exception to this rule. The whole film is built upon the two witches from the story, Glenda the good witch who is a self absorbed pink loving girls girl and Elphaba who’s arc in this film is to become the bad witch. knowing this you can always infer what happens next in the story which results in a boring and predictable watch, Especially in the latter half of the film. This is true because as an audience you know that this is where Elphaba’s story will take a turn and the turn can be seen from a mile away.
In conclusion, wicked is a let down and a bore, sitting through it as a teenage boy was borderline unbearable. If I could take back my 3 hours I absolutely would. That being said, I am not the target audience for this film, some people will enjoy this film and that’s fine. If you are that person then I hope that this movie finds you. But for me this film deserves a 3/10.
Amy Grueny • Dec 11, 2024 at 2:49 pm
Hi! I noticed some typos in your article. First, her name is Glinda. Or Galina! Either one! Just not Glenda. Also, there was a spot for a colon in your second paragraph. Second, I think your opinions are very narrow and wrong. Do you realize that this movie is showing that Elphaba, who you claim becomes the “bad witch” at the end, is actually not that bad. She is kindhearted and wants what’s best for the animals in Oz. The real bad person in this movie is the wizard! The wizard is not even a wizard! He is lying to the people that he leads and they believe him!! It symbolizes today worshipping politicians, celebrities, and other people who are not good!! Also, this film was not made by Disney!!!! It was made by Universal! If you are going to write an article about this movie, it’s okay if you didn’t like it, but please do your research. This movie is not a remake of the original, it actually started out as a fan fiction. It’s a prequal to the Wizard of Oz. It explores so many different themes that aren’t, at first, seen in the original Wizard of Oz. But when taking a deeper dive into the characters and the circumstances in both stories, you will discover things that you never would have before.
Hi also I would like to say that this movie could really change you if you gave it some real pondering, Luke Hobson.
UNINSPIRED?!?!?! ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME??? It’s okay that you didn’t like them. I would like to point out, however, that the music in this movie develops the characters, the story, and the theme. It’s fun, entertaining, and also inspiring!! If you give the whole soundtrack a little listen, you’ll find that Glinda’s character has a higher and more operatic sound and range than Elphaba. She always takes the high harmony, except towards the end of Defying Gravity. At this moment, Elphaba takes the high harmony while Glinda sings below her. This is a genius choice by Stephen Schwartz. This is symbolic of Elphaba leaving and flying (high) and Glinda staying on the ground and pursuing a different life that Elphaba could have had. Elphaba could have had an easy life in a position of power with the Wizard, but she chose to do what she knew was right and go against what the Wizard said. This made everyone hate her, but she knew it was right. So, doesn’t that prove that she’s not a bad witch? It also can represent Elphaba’s higher morals in her heart and Glinda has less high standards and is taking the easier way in life. This does not make Glinda a bad person per say, but it brings to question if she really is the “good” witch that everyone in Oz believes her to be.
I’m sure you were just doing an assignment and didn’t mean anything by this article. I just think you could be a better person if you truly understood this movie. Thanks, love you.