In the craziness of a high schoolers life, fast food has become a staple for many students at FHS because it is easy to grab on the way to or from something and it is very convenient while also being yummy to eat. Everyone seems to have a fast food place they love the most though. Whether it’s for the well seasoned fries, the burgers, or the drinks. There is a fast food place every student can love. The question is what fast food is favored among FHS students? I am going to be interviewing students at FHS and the two most answered food places are going to be considered FHS students top choices. Let’s find out!
“My favorite fast food place is In and Out because it is a lot cheaper than the other fast food burger places. And the food is really good”. -Sophomore, Jace Richards
In and out is the perfect place to eat as a high school student. A meal in and out is 8 dollars. Which may seem like a lot, but in many other food places the meal price is anywhere from 10-15 dollars. However, many other students that chose in and out as their favorite fast food place say the only downside is the fries. Which I can agree on
“My favorite fast food restaurant is Chick fil a, because it is in station park and the food tastes really good especially the fries.”-Junior, Jade Olson
Station park is about a 2 minute drive from the school, which makes the restaurants located there like Chick fil a, very convenient for high school students, especially at lunch time. Many people also said Chick fil a had the best fries out of any fast food place. Chick fil a fries are a waffle fry, which makes people love the shape and taste.
Ultimately, In and Out and Chick fil a were answered the most when the question “what is your go to fast food” was asked. This makes these two fast food restaurants FHS’s students go to eat.