In 2007 the English alternative rock band Radiohead shocked the world by releasing their eighth studio album. But what made this release a shock was that the band released all of the music online for free. Simply saying that people should pay what they think the music is worth. This turned out to be a genius move that is replicated with almost every music release nowadays. And it turned a lot of people on to their music.
But the music itself is incredible. Its ten track 43 minute run time is filled with interesting sound the way that Radiohead is so recognized for. But this time around their craft was completely honed in. In this album we have three archetypes of song. Let’s start with 15 step, a fast paced look into the past with feelings of anxiety and sadness but with a curious feel. Then we are met with another fast paced banger, Body snatchers. But this song is different. This tune has the listener looking into the future with its optimistic feel and upbeat guitar and drums. And finally our third archetype, we are met with Nude, the third track on the record. This song is a heartfelt reflection of what it is to be human and have feelings, and it takes control of the listener’s feelings manipulating us to feel whatever Thom Yorke wants us to. Part of the reason That I like this album so much along with critics like Anthony Fantano is because it has such a grounded grasp of what it feels like to be human. And it has such an accurate depiction of what feelings personified in song should be.
At the end of the day, In Rainbows by Radiohead is one of my favorite albums and one that I often find myself coming back to. Its grounded and outside the box approach to rock music has changed the landscape of indie rock and music as a whole. If you have not listened to this record yet or for that matter any Radiohead I highly highly recommend giving it a listen. I rate In Rainbows a 9.5 out of ten.