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The Student News Site of Farmington High School

Nix News

The Student News Site of Farmington High School

Nix News

The Student News Site of Farmington High School

Nix News

2024-2025 Staff

Luke Hobson

Luke Hobson

not enough yeast in the world for the bread im about to make - barrack obama

Ethan Morrey

Ethan Morrey

"If you want forgiveness. Get religion." -Peter Parker

Naomi Akau

Naomi Akau

“What should my quote be?” I don’t know what quote to put…

Elyse Richards

Elyse Richards

Don't take life to seriously. You will never get out alive. -Elbert hubbard

Ahmad Bashir

Ahmad Bashir

"I've had cheesefor so long it done molded"

Nate Church

Nate Church

"Anyone can be Batman you just have to have the gadgets"- Ken Carson

Lilly Harding

Lilly Harding

“i’m not convinced i know how to read, i’ve just memorized a lot of words.” -Nick Miller

Gwen Morris

Gwen Morris

"im a savage (yeah) classy,boujee, ratchet (yeah)"- Megan Thee Stalion

Mac Jensen

Mac Jensen

"You define your own life. Don't let other people write your script." -Oprah Winfrey

Carson Demman

Carson Demman

"ayy, cream cheese and a bagel" -mac miller

Sarah Morris

Sarah Morris

"life is a bunch of ducks scrambling to find water, find that water."

Maya Mashburn

Maya Mashburn

"I'm an emotional gangster. I cry once every month."- Cardi B

Ava Larsen

Ava Larsen

Ight bet

Lucy Smith

Lucy Smith

"Gucci flip flops, make it kick rocks. This a big clock, check the wrist watch." - bhad bhabie

Afton Gunn

Afton Gunn

Mama a girl behind you.

Logan McNamee

Logan McNamee

"you guys put ketchup, I put get up"- me

Harrison Jones

Harrison Jones

“Fein.” - Travis Scott

Tucker Blackham

Tucker Blackham

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott

Tyler Barlow

Tyler Barlow

“Don’t lower your goals to the level of your abilities, instead raise your abilities to the height of your goals.”

Leah Dutson

Leah Dutson

"Okay... I guess"

Amelia Willey
Co-Supreme Leader/Producer/Editor

Amelia Willey

"I NeEd yOur StaFf ProFilE, GiVE mE yoUr StAfF ProfiLE!" -Ainsley Monroe

Ainsley Monroe
Co-Supreme Leader/Producer/Editor

Ainsley Monroe

"Bazinga"- Childish Gambino

Ella Smith
Reporter/ Editor

Ella Smith

"Don't ruin my story with your logic." - Rick Castle

Josslyn Cook
Reporter/ Editor

Josslyn Cook

"You are what you do, not what you say you'll do."- something on pintrest