High School Students Use Their Own Copies Of Books Rather Than The Library.


Ashley Heaton, Reporter

The library seems to be a dying industry. Not very many people seem to use the library anymore.. Lot’s of people don’t use the library because they don’t see a reason why. If students want a quiet place to read they can just go into their room and if they need a book they can get it on their phones and have it with them everywhere they go.  

The library just doesn’t seem very useful anymore. One reason that could be is that students just don’t even read anymore. Unless it’s required then why should they. There are so many ways they could spend their time instead.  

 “If it’s a good book I’ll read it,” Sophomore, Malissa Bryson,said. 

So Malissa does read but only if it’s a good book her definition of a good book is either a romance or a fairy tales. Even though she reads she never use the library. 

 “Why would I use the library” she said, when asked if she ever gets books from the library. She says she always just steals her sisters’ book. She will also use her phone to read depending on where she is.  

The library really doesn’t seem to be used to often anymore. Like Malissa’s peers there seems to be no reason for Malissa to use the library when they can be getting books from several other places. 

 However, the library is still very important to people like Wyatt Markowski.

 “I use the library at least once a week” Wyatt said. He loves to read If he isn’t hangout with friends, he is probably reading a book. He doesn’t use his phone for books because “prefer the paper copy of books” so for people like Wyatt the library is very important. 

So, all in all the library might not be as popular as it was a few years ago but there are still people using it. No matter how popular technology becomes there will always be people like Wyatt who want to have a physical copy of a book.