Students Adjust to Ever-Changing School Schedule

Students Adjust to Ever-Changing School Schedule

Lexi Day, Digital Media Editor

Already, this 2020-21 school year is starting off unlike any other. After an insanely weird end to the last school year, we are starting out the year with a semi-normal schedule. With only half of the students coming to the school every day, the district is hoping to limit contact with other students, and minimize the chances of spreading COVID-19.

Due to the coronavirus, many people were expecting this school year to be different from past years. On Tuesday, July 28, the Davis school board announced that its students would be going to school only twice a week. Students with a last name starting with letters A-K would go on Mondays and Wednesdays. The rest attend school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For all students, school work would be assigned on their remote (at home) days, including Fridays. Once the district announced the schedule, everyone had questions and concerns about how the year would play out.

“I thought the new school schedule was gonna be hard to get used to because I was really looking forward to a normal year of school,” Farmington junior, Ashley Hintze, said.

Some students are really enjoying coming to the school only twice a week, others are having a hard time with it. As with all things, there are pros and cons to the change.

“I love not having to go to the building every day. I find that I’m less exhausted and I’ve been able to stay more on top of my schoolwork than I have in previous years,” junior, Emily Holmes, said.

“I don’t like how little I see of my school homies,” junior, Rachel Heald, said.

A lot of these concerns, likes and dislikes are things that we all relate with. Though the new schedule is new and a little confusing, everyone has found parts of it that work for them. Now, the school board has decided to change things a little more. They announced that everyone will start going for four days a week. A few weeks after that change, they will move things back to going every day.

With all the changes we have faced and are facing this year, it might be a little difficult to keep on top of things, but we can do it. Buckle up everyone, this year is going to be bumpy.