Inside the Minds of Twins


Kimball Naccarato, Student Life Reporter

The chances of being a twin is one in 250 natural pregnancies. So they aren’t the most common thing to happen. At some point in everyone’s life though, we have met a pair of twins and might have been curious about what comes along with being a twin or what happens in their day-to-day routine. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a twin? Wanted to know what benefits or downsides might come with having someone look exactly like you? I have gathered a couple of twins here at Farmington High and got their insights on being a twin.

“We grew up sharing a room and as we got older, we stopped sharing a room. But do we spend a lot of time outside of the house together? Yes, yes we go everywhere with each other, Lacrosse, hanging out with friends, the store, etc,” junior, Luke guile, said.

“We shared a room when we were little, but we don’t share a room anymore. We spend most of our time outside of the house as we share a car and carpool together, so it’s hard to separate but we have the same friend group so we go everywhere together basically,” junior, Dante Coates, said.

This is quite interesting as, being a twin myself, I hardly go anywhere with my brother. We have two separate friend groups and we almost try not to be at the same thing together just because we want to be different. Then again, I am not identical, so maybe when you have an identical brother or sister, you tend to make the same friends and stay together more.

“We are identical, but we have some differences. For example, Luke wears shoes that make him taller, making us the same height, but I am naturally taller. We have different hair styles too,” junior, Jake Guile said.

“A lot of people say he is taller, but my hair is curlier. And our voices are a little different and I look a little smaller than Dante, and he is just a little bigger,” junior, Dominic Coates, said.

So even when you are identical, there are still some differences between them. Contrary to popular belief, they are not exactly the same people. Having those differences between them makes them unique in their own way.