Have you ever thought about how an apple could look completely different to you than someone else? Like your version of a red apple really looks like your blue in another person’s eyes. This is a fascinating concept that gets you thinking about how we all see the world differently.
If we look at this biologically it could make a lot of sense. Everyone has a different sensitivity to light, and people see colors based on the different wavelengths of light. So, someone can see an apple more vibrant than how someone else sees it because of their sensitivity to light. This sensitivity can also go with different eye colors, someone with light blue eyes experience more light sensitivity than someone with a darker eye color like brown.
“I think it could have to do with eye colors. Like lighter eyes can see more in the dark than brown eyes.” sophomore Cora Banks, said.
There are so many different reasons for this to be true. For instance, people may see colors differently based on their experiences with that color. Like someone who had a bad experience with the color red, they may perceive it as a darker scarier color. While people who have had good experiences with the color red may see it brighter, and livelier.
“Some people see red as terrible, but I love red, and it’s like happy. So, I see it as a bright red.” sophomore Cora Banks, said.
Could this explain why people like certain colors, and others hate them, because they don’t get to see the color the same way we get to. This can come back to people’s experiences and the color of people’s eyes. People who like red most likely had good experiences with the color, and in the different light waves it looks good to them.
“I think if you see it in a brighter or different way, or have a good experience with it, you’re most likely to have it as your favorite color. But if you have a bad experience with red, then you’ll see it as a terrible color, and it won’t be your favorite color.” sophomore Cora Banks, said.
Your red is not my red color theory is such a fascinating concept, that can teach us a lot about people and how they see things. This can give us an idea why this color is their favorite, why they hate it, and give you an idea of what colors they like based on how they see them. If they describe a color as bright they will most likely like the color, but if they say it is intense they will be less likely to enjoy the color. There is so much that goes into this, and it is a very fascinating concept.