FHS Nix News, December 13, 2024 BROADCAST
December 12, 2024
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About the Contributors

Tyler Barlow, Reporter
“Don’t lower your goals to the level of your abilities, instead raise your abilities to the height of your goals.”

Ethan Morrey, Reporter
"If you want forgiveness. Get religion." -Peter Parker

Ahmad Bashir, Reporter
"I've had cheesefor so long it done molded"

Nate Church, Reporter
"Anyone can be Batman you just have to have the gadgets"- Ken Carson

Afton Gunn, Reporter
Mama a girl behind you.

Elyse Richards, Reporter
Don't take life to seriously. You will never get out alive.
-Elbert hubbard

Ava Larsen, Reporter
Ight bet

Carson Demman, Reporter
"ayy, cream cheese and a bagel" -mac miller

Logan McNamee, Reporter
"you guys put ketchup, I put get up"- me

Ainsley Monroe, Co-Supreme Leader/Producer/Editor
"Bazinga"- Childish Gambino

Amelia Willey, Co-Supreme Leader/Producer/Editor
"I NeEd yOur StaFf ProFilE, GiVE mE yoUr StAfF ProfiLE!" -Ainsley Monroe