The debate as to who is the greatest basketball player of all time-whether it be Michael Jordan or LeBron James-is a debate that has been going on for a pretty long time. Both players have changed the game in their own way, along with crazy accomplishments. Though when I asked a couple of people at my school, most of them picked LeBron. Still, Michael Jordan’s legacy is tough to overlook. Therefore, let’s analyze both sides of the argument.
Why LeBron is Better:
Because of how great his game has been so far, many fans of basketball would easily choose LeBron James as being better than Jordan. One thing that separates LeBron is his versatility. He can dominate any position up and down the floor: point guard, forward, or center. LeBron is also one of those players who rarely have the ability to pass the ball perfectly to any open teammates. He has extremely high basketball intelligence. To this date, he has led teams to championships in multiple cities: Cleveland, Miami, and Los Angeles, proving he can win under different circumstances. One of the key features in which I believe LeBron outplays Jordan is longevity. LeBron was able to go deep into his late 30s still performing at an elite level, something Jordan was not able to do after a second retirement. He has been able to create such longevity due to the fact that he can keep himself in top physical shape and adjust his game accordingly. Such was when I went asking the question and got the majority of answers saying LeBron indeed is the better player. The first person I asked was my friend Eli, he said, “LeBron is the more rounded player he can pass, rebound, score he’s like the whole package.” The other of my friends Gage also agreed with what Eli was saying and said, “LeBron has done so much more for the game off the court. with his leadership on social media and how he gives back to the community.
Why Michael Jordan is still the GOAT:
The great career which Michael Jordan had is hard to look past. Probably the biggest reason he is thought of as the greatest is because of his six NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls. His ability to score was second to none, and his competitiveness was stuff that people strive to achieve. Jordan’s Air Jordan brand changed the world of sneakers and made him an international icon. Another reason he is considered the best is Jordan’s killer instinct in clutch moments. At the time, he was able to win championships when it mattered most, and his performances in the NBA Finals-going 6-0-are still unblemished. Sure, LeBron might have more points and assists, but Michael Jordan going perfect in the Finals, changing the game in the ’90s- those are strong cases for greatest ever.
Whichever it is, in my opinion, between Michael Jordan and LeBron James, LeBron James is the all-around better player because one thing for sure-his legacy remains loud and alive. And who is better? We will never have a solid answer since both indeed are great players. LeBron still has the advantage to secure that spot since he is still playing in today’s game.