Hartman Encourages Students to Take Advanced Art


Raegan Edelman, Comedy Column Section Editor

As class change day approaches, students are looking for ways to rearrange their schedules and are trying to decide which electives to take for the last semester of the school year. Mrs. Hartman, an art teachers at Farmington High, has many opportunities for students to elevate their creativity. She has several different classes that provide students with a chance to relieve their stress and enhance their artistic abilities.

“Painting three is for anyone who has taken any of my previous classes, drawing, painting, whatever. What they do is use the skills they learned in those classes and grow them. Painting three students have a little bit more freedom to set their own pace, and to try new mediums and stuff like that,” Painting three advisor, Mrs. Hartman, said. 

Painting three is an excellent option for students who need a break from their intensive right-brain based classes. It will allow them to activate their left brain and provide a greater balance and a good new method of relaxing.

If a student is looking for a more fast-paced environment, Mrs. Hartman also offers AP and CE classes. 

“If you’re looking to go into a career in art, I also offer an AP class. It’s definitely an intense class, and you have to be ready to work hard and push yourself, but you can use the skills that you’ve learned and apply them and it can be a very fun and rewarding experience,” Hartman said.

She would like students to know that anyone can take an advanced art class as long as they’ve taken at least one of her other classes in the past and have received approval, and she will be happy to  help students make sure they have a good experience.

“I enjoyed painting three because I got to choose my own projects,” Senior, Emily Campbell, said.

The students in class with her were quick to agree. 

“Painting three was by far the best class I took last year,” Senior, Annecy Hansen, said.

Regardless of which advanced art classes you choose to take, Hartman will work with you to make sure it is a rewarding experience.