Graduation Speeches


Lily Brough, Student Life Reporter

Seniors, it is that time of year. Make sure you mark your calendars because graduation is May 25, 2023 at 1:00pm at the Dees Event Center in Ogden.

 But who is going to speak at it? That’s up to you!

They’re looking for someone who likes to talk, isn’t scared of a large crowd and is really good at being inspirational. If this sounds like you, then you should consider being a part of this amazing opportunity. Here is all the information you need to know if you are willing and interested in giving one of the graduation speeches. 

 The applications will be open on Monday April 24th on Mrs. Larson’s office door, right outside of the 2400 suite. There you will be able to pick a time you’d like to try out.

The auditions will be held on May 3rd in the Little Theatre. The same day you will find out who made it through the Farmington High School Instagram. 

Your speech cannot exceed more than 2 minutes and you get to decide on what you want to talk about.

 “Reflection and hope about the future are good topics to focus on.” English teacher, Celia Larson, said. 

When you show up for the audition, make sure to have 6 copies of your speech to hand out to the panel of judges who will be there to listen. Make sure to practice your speech so you can feel confident and ready to present what you’ve prepared. 

Keep in mind that there is no set number of people they are choosing beforehand. They will decide how many they want from the speeches they are judging. 

We asked a student from Farmington High about how they feel about the school giving the opportunity to students to audition for graduation speeches.

 “I feel like it is more inclusive. Some people might really want to give a speech but feel like they can’t because they don’t have the grades or anything. I think it’s a nice way to let students try if they want too rather than picking someone who has good grades and stuff like that.” Senior, Bella Anderson, said.  

If you have more questions or concerns then reach out to Larson or talk to your counselor. Don’t wait too long, get started on it as soon as possible.